Please review the Steps to Getting Started or contact to inquire about introductory materials to get started in research as an undergraduate student. Once you have reviewed this material, you can set up an advising appointment to ask questions and get more specific information for your situation.
- If you are looking for summer opportunities, visit our Research Programs page for both OSU and off-campus opportunities. Most applications for summer programs are open from January - February.
Have questions about research? We’re here to help!
Our staff offers consultation appointments to assist students with the following topics:
- How to Get Involved with Research
- How to Identify your Research Interest
- How to Find and Contact Research Mentors
- Research Funding at Ohio State
- Research Abroad
- Research Thesis/Publishing
- Research Presentations
- Other topics which the student can specify on the appointment form
Our staff does NOT advise on the following topics:
- Graduating with Research Distinction - Make an appointment with your academic advisor
- Classes to Take for an Honors-Track
- Getting into Grad School/MD/PhD Tracks
- Research at Other Universities
- Funding for Travel to Conferences
- Classwork/Homework Help
- Specific Lab Questions, such as wet labs vs. dry labs, questions about how labs are run, etc.. These should be answered by the team running the specific lab.
Please follow the instructions below to schedule an appointment with us via OnCourse.
Scheduling an Appointment via OnCourse
To schedule an appointment with a UR&CI staff member via OnCourse:
- Visit
- Click on the “Schedule Appointment” button the righthand side
- Make the following selections:
- "What type of appointment would you like to schedule?" Select “Academic Discovery and Success”
- Service Select “Undergraduate Research Appointment”
- Select time from list of availability.
Or visit the Personal Availability Link to meet with our current advisor.
If you cannot schedule an appointment via OnCourse or need an appointment time outside of normal availability, please email