Office of Academic Enrichment

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Presentation Opportunities

28th Annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum presentation


Below are presentation opportunities available at Ohio State conferences focusing on undergraduate research. Speak with your advisor to discover additional opportunities to present your work.

UR&CI Presentation Opportunities

Our office offers a variety of different presentation opportunities for students of all majors and programs. During their graduating year, student researchers can present at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum for prizes across various categories. Other student researchers can present their findings at the Undergraduate Research Festival and 3-Minute Thesis Competition. To learn more, visit each of the pages and follow our upcoming events section.

Additional Columbus Campus Presentation Opportunities 

Non-Ohio State Presentations

Many undergraduates present their research at conferences outside of Ohio State. The focus of these conferences is undergraduate research and often include a wide variety of disciplines represented. We would also encourage you to speak with your advisor to identify other conferences or meetings you can present at in your specific discipline.