Office of Academic Enrichment

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Leveraging the male mosquito microbiome for vector control through Sterile Insect Technique

Field of Study:
Vector biology, microbiology, microbiology, genomics, microbiome.
Rank of Student:
Freshman and sophomores
Desired Majors:
Any majors
Hours per Week:
Compensation Type:
Academic Credit,
Voluntary Experience
Application Deadline:
Dom Magistrado, Short Lab Postdoctoral Research (
Project Description
Mosquitoes, like humans and most other multicellular organisms, harbor an ecosystem of epithelium-associated microbes known as the microbiota. An explosion of microbiota research in recent decades has revealed that these microbes play critical roles in host homeostasis and normal physiological functioning by providing a variety of immunological, metabolic, developmental, and nutritional services for hosts. The Short Lab is leveraging next generation sequencing technology to conduct research addressing the massive burden of arthropod-borne disease, which accounts for approximately 17% of all global infectious disease. We are focused on identifying probiotic bacteria that confer fitness benefits to male mosquitoes for the purpose of enhancing the efficacy of Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). SIT is a population suppression approach in which sterile male insects are reared in facilities en masse then released into the wild, where they mate with females and prevent them from producing viable offspring. The success of any SIT program requires that sterile males have comparable or superior ability to compete with wild fertile males. The specific goal of this research project is to isolate and identify bacteria derived from natural microbial communities that significantly improve key reproductive and life history traits in male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
Additional Information
The student will be performing research for either 1) Voluntary research experience, or 2) Research credit hours which will be applied towards the completion of an undergraduate thesis. At minimum, applicants must be able to commit to two semesters of research involvement. The ideal candidate will be an enthusiastic and motivated student interested in research who can commit to two or more full years of research. Freshman and sophomores, and applicants with Summer 2025 availability, are particularly encouraged to apply. The student must be able to easily travel to and from our laboratory in Howlett Hall multiple times per week and commit to 5-10 hours per week.

The student can expect to gain laboratory skills in bacterial isolation from natural larval sites, DNA extraction, maintaining mosquito colonies in an ACL-2 insectary facility, working in a BSL-2 microbiology laboratory, bacteria culture, preparation of different culture media, sterile and aseptic technique, PCR assays, gel electrophoresis, and more. If desired, the student will be encouraged to learn about mosquito life history traits and gain skills in metagenomic data analyses. The student researcher is expected to be an active community member of the research group with rotating duties including maintenance of mosquito colonies and general microbiology lab maintenance duties (ex: routine autoclaving, preparation of culture media). The undergraduate researcher is encouraged to attend weekly lab meetings. Following successful skills training and onboarding, highly motivated students may have the opportunity to develop an independent research project and/or be involved with other research projects in the lab.
Required Applicant Information
Please provide 1) a resume/CV, and 2) a letter of interest detailing your background, your current career goals, why you are interested in the position, and your availability.
Required or Desired Skills
Applicants must be responsible, reliable, detail-oriented, and curious about the research project. Applicants should display excellent interpersonal communication skills and an aptitude for problem solving using critical thinking. Previous research experience or background knowledge about the project/system are not required, applicants need only be curious and have an excitement for learning and asking questions.
Faculty Member Lead:
Sarah M. Short
Starting Semester:
Length of Project (in semesters):