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Award recipients announced for the 30th Annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

The 30th Annual Richard J. and Martha D. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum is proud to announce its winners. 

More than 250 undergraduate student researchers presented across ten categories on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, in the Ohio Union Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom. The Denman Undergraduate Research Forum provides an opportunity for graduating student researchers to share their research endeavors with the university community.  

The Denman Forum is Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry’s only competitive poster forum. Winners were recognized in each category as determined by faculty, staff, and alumni reviewers. Students were reviewed on their ability to communicate effectively their research process and results through written poster content and accompanying oral presentation. Award recipients receive a placement medal, award certificate, and certificate of scholarship.

Congratulations to the 30th Denman Undergraduate Research Forum’s award recipients!



List of Award Recipients 
RankCategoryFirst NameLast NameTitle 
First PlaceBusiness, Society, and International RelationsPeterMaczuzakBanking on Subscriptions? Think Again With Me
Second PlaceBusiness, Society, and International RelationsAlexandriaWoodardPronoun Peril: Evaluations of Nonbinary Instructors
Third PlaceBusiness, Society, and International RelationsElanKyserThe Development of Global Governance from the Catholic Church to the United Nations: The Pazzi Conspiracy and the Sanctioning of Iraq
Third PlaceBusiness, Society, and International RelationsHaikalBin RozaidiThe Development of Global Governance from the Catholic Church to the United Nations: The Pazzi Conspiracy and the Sanctioning of Iraq
Honorable MentionBusiness, Society, and International RelationsClovisWestlundPublic-Private Influence on Contemporary Homeschooling Practice: A Case Study of Central Ohio
First PlaceEarth & BeyondErinShawRock House Nature Center
Second PlaceEarth & BeyondAbbySmithExamining the Impact of UZELA Technology on the Health of Nursery Corals
Third PlaceEarth & BeyondEmilyMacbethDetermination of Charge Diffusion in Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Detectors
Honorable MentionEarth & BeyondGregoryCosta CuatleInfrared Spectral Analysis: Estimating CO2 Concentrations in Earth's Atmosphere Using Astronomical Data
First PlaceEngineering and TechnologyJessicaSillusCompliant Robotic Joint Configuration for Space Applications
Second PlaceEngineering and TechnologyJoshuaJeyandranAssessing the Validity and Repeatability of a Portable A-Scan Ultrasound Device While Sitting and Supine
Third PlaceEngineering and TechnologyMayaSivakumaranEvaluating GPU Code Translation Approaches to Optimize CFD Efficiency
Honorable MentionEngineering and TechnologyChristineMassaThe Impact of Different Auditory Distractions on Situational Awareness While Driving
First PlaceHealth under the MicroscopeLeahLaVerdeCraniofacial Aging in HET3 Mice with 17-alpha Estradiol Treatment
Second PlaceHealth under the MicroscopeSadafFarsiProtein Arginine Methyltransferase 5 Promotes Tissue Resident Memory T cells Populations in Severe Allergic Airway Inflammation
Third PlaceHealth under the MicroscopeAmyDokiburraSenolytic therapy modulates microglial phenotype and clinical disease severity in an age-dependent model of progressive MS
Honorable MentionHealth under the MicroscopeOliviaWileyPersistent NK Cell Dysregulation and Microbial Translocation in People Living with HIV
First PlaceHuman ExperienceArvindNairA Serpent Runs Through It: Towards an interpretation of the Curvilinear Guilloche Design of the Anderson Focus of the Fort Ancient Culture in Southwest Ohio
Second PlaceHuman ExperienceMinFeldmanDo children use action frequency to infer social closeness?: A study in social cognitive development
Third PlaceHuman ExperienceDelaneyPhillips'Thank you for listening to us'; Using Qualitative Methods to Make Quantitative Research for LGBTQ+ Participants More Inclusive & Affirming
Honorable MentionHuman ExperienceJosephineLuckAltered Temporal Orientation Associated with Cognition and Functioning in Schizophrenia: A Computational Linguistics Study
First PlaceInnovations in MedicineCharlieJacobsonThe Sweet Taste Receptor TAS1R2 regulates myocyte differentiation in C2C12 muscle cells
Second PlaceInnovations in MedicineBrookeSendikAddressing the Anatomy Educator Gap: Trends in Health Sciences Education
Third PlaceInnovations in MedicineJayPatelEffect of altered gluteus maximus strength on the magnitude and direction of hip joint contact forces during simulations of gait
Honorable MentionInnovations in MedicineAnitvirTaunqueSafety and feasibility of parenchymal re-dosing of AAV2-hAADC into nonhuman primate
First PlaceInsects and Other Animal SciencesJordanLehmanPredicting How Climate Change Will Impact Parasitoid Preference and Performance 
Second PlaceInsects and Other Animal SciencesMollyCordonnierDiagnostic Performance of Pregnancy Associated Glycoproteins and Transrectal Ultrasonography or Early Pregnancy in Sheep
Third PlaceInsects and Other Animal SciencesCorbynAntrimComparison of Non-Contact and Contact Thermometers in Evaluating the Body Temperatures of Healthy Horses
Honorable MentionInsects and Other Animal SciencesMinaLaFranceInfluence of Maternal and Environmental Factors on Colostrum Quality in Quarter Horse Mares 
First PlacePediatric and Family HealthLeenaEltilibEnamel and Dentin Defects from Dentinogenesis Imperfecta in Secondary Dentition 
Second PlacePediatric and Family HealthMadisonFankhauserPeripartum opioid exposure impaired maternal behavior, increased inflammatory gene expression, and reduced perineuronal nets in the maternal brain network
Third PlacePediatric and Family HealthKayleighHillInfants Experiencing Substance Withdrawal and Nurse Teamwork Dynamics
Honorable MentionPediatric and Family HealthSeynaSallExamination of Low-Income Working Mother’s Complementary Feeding Practices for Their 6–24-Month-Old Infants 
First PlacePublic HealthMadisonPosnerInjury Patterns in the Pitcher's Arm: Analyzing the Correlation Between Past Injuries and Subsequent Elbow Injuries in Major League Baseball
Second PlacePublic HealthEmanuelTewoldeAddressing awareness gaps and responses of Central Ohio African American smokers to a proposed menthol cigarette ban 
Third PlacePublic HealthCodeBeschlerCreating Access: Promoting Pragmatic Solidarity in HIV Research, Prevention, and Care for Disabled Populations
Honorable MentionPublic HealthSerenaMehtaHow Does Pre-K–G5 Teachers’ Use of Technology Correlate with Self-Efficacy and Teacher Characteristics? 
First PlaceUnderstanding CancerElsaWaniDefining the role of NDRG1 in modulating cisplatin sensitivity within ovarian cancer stem cells
Second PlaceUnderstanding CancerChloeDelnickiBioassay-Guided Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites of Hernandia voyronii
Third PlaceUnderstanding CancerHasanAbazaUnderstanding Differences in Transcription Factor Binding in Inflammation Related Genes Between Black and White Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients
Honorable MentionUnderstanding CancerKhushiGuptaUnlocking the potential of nutrient-dependent regulation of Wnt signaling pathway and lipid metabolism in intestinal cells in health and disease.
 Secondary Data CoreKayleighHillInfants Experiencing Substance Withdrawal and Nurse Teamwork Dynamics
 Center for Ethics & Human ValuesElyseReedHygiene as Eugenics: Tracing the Impact of Hygiene Rhetoric in Law and Culture from the Immigration Act of 1924 to Present Day
 Center for Ethics & Human ValuesLincolnLundgrenIs Use of Unproblematic Epistemic Resources to Achieve Permissible Ends Always Permissible?
 Civil Discourse for CitizenshipClovisWestlundPublic-Private Influence on Contemporary Homeschooling Practice: A Case Study of Central Ohio
 Sustainability InstituteHannahBernsteinAnalyzing how the agricultural microbiome impacts soil carbon stability under different management practices
 Sustainability InstituteEmmaMaherExtreme heat, urban experimentation, and visions of past futures in Seville, Spain 
 Sustainability InstituteMiaWangInfluence of Coagulants on Microplastics Removal During Coagulation
 Infectious Disease InstituteAnitvirTaunqueSafety and feasibility of parenchymal re-dosing of AAV2-hAADC into nonhuman primate