Office of Academic Enrichment

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3-Minute Thesis Competition


The 3MT®, developed at the University of Queensland, challenges participants to present their research—in just three minutes using everyday language—to an audience.

To see photos of previous 3MT competitions, visit the UR&CI Flickr.  


Application Information

Please check back in Spring 2025 for our next 3MT application.


Past Winners

Congratulations to all our 3-MT winners!

2022 Winners

1. Pete Jordanides - Biomedical Science

“PI3Kγ Inhibitor Potentiates Anti-PD-L1 Immunotherapy against Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma​”

2. Isabelle Aguilar - Biomedical Engineering

“Identifying Keratoconus from Ultrasound Sample Entropy”

3. Tie: Amani Djouadi - Pharmaceutical Sciences

“Delivery of DNA Origami Cancer Vaccine using Alginate Particles”

3: Tie: Natalia Mendonca - Biomedical Engineering

“Decoupling Vasculogenic Cell-Based and Extracellular Vesicle Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease”

2021 Winners

"Biomedical Sciences" Category:

  1. Sarah Haysley - Speech and Hearing Sciences
  2. Erin Gililand - Neuroscience and Psychology
  3. Harrshavasan Congivaram - Biomedical Sciences

"Inquiry for the Future" Category:

  1. Cara Noel - Microbiology
  2. Will Marshall - Molecular Genetics and Philosophy 
  3. Kara Komarnitsky - Dance
2019 Spring Semester Winners

Session 1:

  • First Place: Heath Pechtl, Animal Sciences
  • Second Place: Douglas Fink, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Third Place: Sarthak Soni, Marketing
  • Honorable Mention: Bryce Boron, Psychology

Session 2:

  • First Place: Timothy Kirby, Mechanical Engineering
  • Second Place: James White, Atmospheric Sciences
  • Third Place: Cara Dauch, Molecular Genetics
2018 Autumn Semester Winners

Lived Experiences of Human Societies:

  • First Place: Isaiah Johnson
  • Second Place: Sydney Clark
  • Third Place: Emma Megla

Emerging Issues in STEM:

  • First Place: Alexandra Smith
  • Second Place: Stephen Gant
  • Third Place: Hilary Kordecki/Nick Krause

Improving Human Health:

  • First Place: Camile Bratton
  • Second Place: Melanie Smith
  • Third Place: Scott Stuckney
2018 Spring Semester Winners
  • First Place: Anthony Milian
  • Second Place: Maya Gosztyla
  • Third Place: Eleni Packis

Honorable Mentions: Sunny Kwok and Samantha Goode

2017 Autumn Semester Winners
  • First Place: Henry Wu
  • Second Place: Alison Baker
  • Third Place: Matt Schneider
2017 Spring Semester Winners
  • First Place: Nicole Puccetti
  • Second Place: Olivia Fitzpatrick
  • Third Place: Mohit Deshpande